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School History
St Clare's Catholic School at Burdell has a short but vibrant history, growing to a sizable and highly-engaged community within just a few years.
Enrolments commence on 4 February for St Clare’s Catholic School, which will be opening in 2011. The school is part of St Anthony’s Parish, and is named after St Clare who, along with St Anthony, was one of the first followers of St Francis of Assisi.
On 24 January, St Clare’s Catholic School opens with 177 students. Kath Tarttelin is welcomed as the founding principal of the school. In its first year the school comprised eleven classrooms, two multi-purpose rooms, a covered eating area and tuckshop and catered for students from Prep to Year 7. Two of the classrooms housed the Library, while another two accommodated the Administration and Staff facilities. St Clare’s Catholic School was the twenty-third Catholic School to be established in the Townsville Diocese, and Bishop Michael Putney blessed and officially opened the new school on 30 August.
Stage 2 of St Clare’s construction program is completed in early January, with the addition of an administration building, two classrooms, and a large covered area. The total enrolment for 2012 increases to 310 students. Families from St Clare’s Catholic School plant almost 100 fruit trees on the campus to create four small orchards.
Bishop Michael Putney officially opens and blesses the new kindergarten at St Clare’s Catholic School. There are now 400 students at the school. Work is completed on Stage 3 of the school’s development plan by the end of the year, which comprises 16 classroom spaces and new student facilities.
At the end of the year St Clare’s Catholic School enters into a partnership with St Anthony’s Parish and the Diocesan Office to build a dual purpose facility to serve both the school and community for Mass and after school care. There are now 490 students at the school.
Despite the loss of Year 7 students, who now attend high school, St Clare’s Catholic School continues to grow. There are now more than 700 students at St Clare’s, from Prep to Year 6.
Over the Easter holidays, three new statues are installed at St Clare’s Catholic School. These are the Nativity statue near the Year 1 area, the statue of St Francis near the Year 4, 5 and 6 pod, and the statue of St Clare with her eyes closed in contemplation which can be seen upon entering the school.
St Clare’s Catholic School wins the 2017 Townsville Catholic Education Sustainability Award.
On 10 March, Australian softball player, Sandy Holden, visits St Clare’s Catholic School. She speaks to students about representing Australia, setting personal goals, and on the importance of never giving up!
On 11 August – the feast day of St Clare – St Clare’s Catholic School celebrates its 10 Year Anniversary. In the morning Bishop Tim Harris leads a liturgy, before the whole school and invited guests join together for a picnic on the school grounds.
On 9 September, St Clare’s choir receives multiple prizes at the Choral Championship. The junior choir wins first place in the Year 4 and under division, while the senior choir wins second place in the Year 6 and under division.
Helen Wade is welcomed as principal of St Clare’s Catholic School.
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