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Promoting a positive environment

Promoting a positive environment

School Environment
  • Front office personnel are warm and friendly
  • School Mission Statement is displayed in the front office
  • School grounds are neat and well maintained
  • Classrooms are neat, orderly and in good repair
  • Equipment, furniture and facilities in good repair
Classroom Environment
  • Classroom is aesthetically pleasing and child-centred
  • Positive message posters up in room
  • Acknowledgement of student birthdays (stickers, awards, etc.)
  • Explicit teaching of appropriate social skills
  • Appropriate instructional strategies and pedagogies
  • Parents welcomed into classrooms
  • Providing an appropriate and flexible curriculum
  • Providing engaging, instructional strategies
  • Providing pedagogy which caters for different learning styles and individual needs
  • Providing learning programs which enable students to experience success
  • Provide individual education plans and individual behaviour plans where necessary
Break Time Activities
  • Varied play areas
  • Competitions
  • Library open at lunchtime
  • Variety of sport equipment
  • Special projects
Behaviour Management Plan
  • Class reward time
  • Group certificates given out
  • Verbal acknowledgement of positive behaviour
  • Individual rewards
School Based Presentations
  • Academic Encouragement Awards
  • Principal Awards
  • Individual certificate rewards
  • End of Year awards – Achievement and Christian Leadership
  • Choir
  • Concerts
  • Choral speaking/Poetry
  • Competitions
Giving Students Responsibility
  • Roles in special events e.g. ANZAC Day
  • Flag roster
  • Tuckshop
  • Bins
  • Assembly organisation
  • Fundraising projects
  • Committees
Public Acknowledgement / celebration of student achievement
  • Acknowledgement of student achievement outside of school  hours
  • Acknowledgement of student achievement in newsletter
  • Articles in local newspaper
  • Displays of student work around the school e.g. front office display
  • Entering work in competitions
  • Students referred to Principal with samples of good work
  • Whole school assemblies
  • School Website
External Competitions or Awards
  • Awards from academic or other competitions e.g. University of NSW tests
  • Interhouse carnivals
  • Interschool Sports competitions
Responsibilities that give a sense of purpose for students at risk
  • Special responsibilities in the classroom and playground environment
Badges or identifying clothing
  • Badges for school leaders
  • Leavers shirts with student names on in Yr 6
  • Staff name badges
  • Visitors badges
  • Volunteer badges
  • Relief Teacher badges
  • Parent morning/afternoon teas
  • Parent helpers in the classroom
  • P & F
  • School fundraising activities
  • Community events e.g. Quiz nights etc
  • Using expertise in different ways e.g. chess club, guest speakers
Community Members
  • Clubs
  • School Choir
  • Instrumental Music Program
  • Social activities for staff and an acknowledgement of effort
  • Sharing a meal together outside school hours
  • Special lunches / morning teas
  • Acknowledgement of birthdays
  • Social events
Self Improvement / Peer Support Programs
  • Seasons for Growth program
  • Kids Matter
  • You Can Do It
  • Circle Time
Student / Family Services
  • Parish Priest
  • School Guidance Counsellor
  • In school Education support
  • Outside agencies for students with special needs